Etherley Parish Council

Parish Council Meetings:

Etherley Parish Council consists of 11 elected members and meets monthly (except August) usually on the 2nd Thursday of each month. An agenda is published on this website and posted on the Village notice board.   

The Agenda includes a 15 minute Public Participation session which allows  time is for residents/visitors to raise any queries or concerns they may have.

Meetings are held in the Committee Room of Toft Hill Community Centre unless otherwise stated.

At the discretion of the Chair a meeting date can be changed if necessary.

Each year in May  the  Annual Parish Meeting and the  Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council take place

We welcome residents to join us for the Annual Parish Meeting to hear about the work  the Parish Council has undertaken during the previous 12 months and plans for the coming year.  

Most importantly reports from other organisations in the as listed below  are presented at the meeting highlighting  the good work that takes place in our Parish. 

• Toft Hill Primary School

• Toft Hill and Etherley Community Association

• St. Cuthbert’s Church

• The Methodist Church

• Etherley Welfare  (Cricket Club)

• The Speed Watch volunteer group